2010年7月29日 星期四


1' Debug cc lazy; run perl fail; chop.t
2' Do block linking; let jitter can recompile code;
3' profile time; use previous profile time framework; use tick as time info
4' add entry code to profile block execution; can we have a generic framework for add and retrieve
statical info. how about use MACRO, and use tag to indicate type of statical, such as invoke times,
execution time

2' do block linking; let jitter can recompile code at the same address.
2.1 Locate files where we should modify.
two files

add recompileFunction in JIT.cpp


No use; In JITEmitter::startFunction(), CurBufferPtr will be reset;
Need to implement our MemoryManagement

我可以想成這個 jitter 只有我在用,所以我設計一個我自己用的 memory manager


