2012年5月31日 星期四

statically build PARSEC

statically build PARSEC

1. cmake is difficult to statically built and is UN-NECESSARY since it just a tool to build several benchmarks.
So, to make life simpler, build cmake dynamically linked.

parsecmgmt -a build -p tools

2. Add -static in you CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS
type parsecmgmt -a build -p apps kernels

3. for three benchmarks, they are still dynamically linked due to libtool
just manually linked them:
go to log directory, find out the log file for the last build.
search "-o bodytrack", "-o facesim" and "-o vips" strings to locate the link commands.
and go to the right directory to statically link those benchmarks, and manually copy them to the installed directory.


