Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | ||||
\leq | \geq | \equiv | \models | \prec | |||||||||
\succ | \sim | \perp | \preceq | \succeq | |||||||||
\simeq | \mid | \ll | \gg | \asymp | |||||||||
\parallel | \subset | \supset | \approx | \bowtie | |||||||||
\subseteq | \supseteq | \cong | \sqsubset | \sqsupset | |||||||||
\neq | \smile | \sqsubseteq | \sqsupseteq | \doteq | |||||||||
\frown | \in | \ni | \notin | \propto | |||||||||
\vdash | \dashv | < | > | = |
Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | |||
\pm | \cap | \diamond | \oplus | |||||||
\mp | \cup | \bigtriangleup | \ominus | |||||||
\times | \uplus | \bigtriangledown | \otimes | |||||||
\div | \sqcap | \triangleleft | \oslash | |||||||
\ast | \sqcup | \triangleright | \odot | |||||||
\star | \vee | \bigcirc | \circ | |||||||
\dagger | \wedge | \bullet | \setminus | |||||||
\ddagger | \cdot | \wr | \amalg |
Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | |
\exists | \rightarrow or \to | |||
\nexists | \leftarrow or \gets | |||
\forall | \mapsto | |||
\neg | \implies | |||
\subset | \Rightarrow (preferred for implication) | |||
\supset | \leftrightarrow | |||
\in | \iff | |||
\notin | \Leftrightarrow (preferred for equivalence (iff)) | |||
\ni | \top | |||
\land | \bot | |||
\lor | \emptyset and \varnothing |
Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | |||
| | \| | / | \backslash | |||||||
\{ | \} | \langle | \rangle | |||||||
\uparrow | \Uparrow | \lceil | \rceil | |||||||
\downarrow | \Downarrow | \lfloor | \rfloor |
Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | |
\Alpha and \alpha | \Nu and \nu | |||
\Beta and \beta | \Xi and \xi | |||
\Gamma and \gamma | \Omicron and \omicron | |||
\Delta and \delta | \Pi, \pi and \varpi | |||
\Epsilon, \epsilon and \varepsilon | \Rho, \rho and \varrho | |||
\Zeta and \zeta | \Sigma, \sigma and \varsigma | |||
\Eta and \eta | \Tau and \tau | |||
\Theta, \theta and \vartheta | \Upsilon and \upsilon | |||
\Iota and \iota | \Phi, \phi and \varphi | |||
\Kappa, \kappa and \varkappa | \Chi and \chi | |||
\Lambda and \lambda | \Psi and \psi | |||
\Mu and \mu | \Omega and \omega |
Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | ||||
\partial | \imath | \Re | \nabla | \aleph | |||||||||
\eth | \jmath | \Im | \Box | \beth | |||||||||
\hbar | \ell | \wp | \infty | \gimel |
Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | Symbol | Script | |||
\sin | \arcsin | \sinh | \sec | |||||||
\cos | \arccos | \cosh | \csc | |||||||
\tan | \arctan | \tanh | ||||||||
\cot | \arccot | \coth |